Whenever you are looking to purchase something that is of significant value it makes sense to do everything you can to get the best deal. That is true if you are buying jewellery from a market, a car from a dealer or a luxury bungalow in Kolkata. The person selling is going to want the most money they can get and the buyer of course wants it for the lowest price they can get. Therefore negotiation is required to reach a point where both parties are happy. That is why sellers will sometimes set their price a little higher than the lowest price they actually want, and why buyers come in with a lower bid, the hope is both can walk away happy with the compromise. Negotiation skills are often why it makes sense to use a real estate agent.
Be realistic
You cannot go into this with an overly inflated sense of what your property is worth, or if you are a buyer, of getting the perfect bungalow for very little money. You need to have realistic expectations. If you are selling then several real estate agents can come over to give you a price and then from there, you can have a price bracket to go from. Also, consider what other homes in the area are going for. If you are looking for a luxury bungalow for sale in Kolkata then know what they go for in the location you are looking at and have an idea of what you are willing to go up to as your highest offer.
Ask yourself if your offer is enough
You need to sort out your finances and know what you can afford realistically. Make sure you can manage the monthly payments easily as well as other moving costs. Plan for and have the downpayment. With those figures in mind, you can then look at properties within the right price range taking into account other factors that might cost you money like inspections and such. When are ready to make an offer on that luxury bungalow in Kolkata start low but do not go so low that you are being insulting.
Consider things like whether it needs renovating, what its roof is like, and any other information you might have. If you are going to need to spend money on it to make it somewhere liveable then you would offer less than on a more luxurious property. Usually, the seller will come back with either an acceptance or a desire for a higher offer. Make your increments reasonable with the seller so they know your interest is genuine. If you get to your top price and they are still not accepting it, do not go over, walk away. You are setting yourself up for stress and money problems if you offer more than you have.
When your offer is accepted
If they accept your offer for a luxury bungalow for sale in Kolkata then make sure you have an inspection done before you sign anything. It is possible that it will bring up issues that were unknown and then you will want to negotiate again on the price, or even pull out completely if it is something that is a deal breaker.