Almost everything on land is becoming digital. Now, smart door lock is the new trend. As people are shifting to new trends. It is important to know the features and properties that an advanced door lock should have.
1. Accessibility
Most hotels have this digital door lock (ประตู digital door lock, which is the term in Thai) to their rooms and all they use is a key card. But as the technology continues to grow, the fingerprint feature is the most advanced one. So, along with accessibility with cards, codes, the lock that you are choosing can also have fingerprint scanning options. Most importantly the scanning must be highly accurate.
2. Alarm
Why does someone use a lock? To be safe while staying in the house and to protect things in the house from theft when there’s nobody in the house. So, the above statement makes it clear that if you are choosing a lock it should notify you when there’s suspicious activity on your digital lock. Hence, your digital lock must have an alarm and should notify you about any suspicious activity or unauthorized login.
3. Unlock In Emergencies
If there’s an emergency then you might not be able to find the key card, and then your fingers will be wet and the lock can’t scan your fingerprint. This situation shouldn’t be a problem while using smart door locks. So, if you are choosing an advanced door lock it must unlock itself during emergencies like fire.
4. Batteries And Life
Digital locks are expensive as they provide a wide range of features. But their price should be worth their battery and life. Some locks come with battery features. Which means they need to be changed frequently? If you are choosing those types of batteries then make sure that it comes with a low-battery indicator. So that you can recharge it when necessary. But choosing the one that doesn’t need any recharge, gives 24 hours service, and warranty is an efficient option.
5. Security
The entire point of choosing an advanced door lock is to have high security. But there are more security features that it should possess. It should warn if the door is open for a long period. So that there’s no chance of any theft or other persons entering the home. It is a much better option if it comes with dual lock features. Dual lock features or function ensures safety.
So, these are the features that you need to know while purchasing a digital lock system.